Name of game goes here Game by (Company that made game) Reviewed by (Your name or nickname.) (Your E-Mail goes here) Save: (Does it use a battery? How many save slots? Does it use a password?) Released: (What year was it released?) Works with: (What peripherals does it use? e.g. Rumble Pak, Expansion Pak, etc.) **************************************************************************** Opening Snide Remarks: (Would you like to say something about the game before you review it?) **************************************************************************** Gameplay Descripion: (Is it good, is it fun? Will you play it again after you have beaten it?) Liked: (What's good about the gameplay?) Hated: (What's bad about it?) **************************************************************************** Graphics Description: (How's it look?) Liked: (What part of the graphics did you like?) Hated: (What part did you hate?) **************************************************************************** Sound/Music Description: (How's the audio?) Liked: (Good stuff?) Hated: (What was bad or annoying?) **************************************************************************** Play Control/Game Design: (When you press jump; does your character jump? Is the game confusing in level design, or other areas?) Liked: (Good stuff?) Hated: (Bad stuff?) **************************************************************************** Improve: (If they do a sequel what would you put in it and how would you improve the game?) RIYL: (Reccomended If You Like. For example: If you like Mega Man; you'll like Metroid 2.) **************************************************************************** Final Words: (Any last comments?) **************************************************************************** Score Gameplay: 1 to 5 stars Graphics: 1 to 5 stars Sound/Music: 1 to 5 stars Play Control/Game Design: 1 to 5 stars Personal Opinion: 1 to 5 stars Total: (Add up the stars; they should equal a number between 0 and 25. Now multiply that number by 4. This should give you a score anywhere from 0 to 100. Add the % sign to the number and that is the Final Score.) Final Score: % **************************************************************************** Currently Known Codes: (Any secrets?) Template courtesy of Philip Wesley.